Day to Day Green
Be Careful In This Weather 
Sunday, January 24, 2010, 11:59 AM
Posted by Administrator

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While we all, even nationally, were watching the news and locally hearing emergency broadcasts, I went out and took a few photos. Then I retreated into the house until the storm eased up.

I'm sure we all learned a little about what to do in a tornado situation yesterday. I had personal experience with them while visiting Denver in the 1980's and again on a trip to EPCOT in Florida about 10 years ago. These things can be very scary. Until yesterday, the idea of them showing up where I live didn't seem possible.

As I think about this, Climate Change, Global Warming and our impact on the planet, something simple occurs to me: Nature seeks balance. We upset the balance and nature will seek to get it back. If we create a vacuum, nature tries to fill it. This weather may be natures knee jerk reaction to help restore balance.

As we try to be better stewards of our environment, we also need to be careful we do not over-react and create new problems as we try to make up for mistakes already made. This is one reason conservation is our best immediate weapon against climate change and it is something we all need to do.

The good news from these storms is an improving water supply for the coming months. Keep in mind, we are still making up for being way overdrawn on our water budget. Please continue to be very frugal with your water use.

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