Day to Day Green
Understanding a 230 MPG Rating for the Chevy Volt 
Tuesday, August 11, 2009, 11:15 AM
Posted by Administrator

How in the heck is this figure calculated. MPG used to be simple, our vehicles used 1 type of fuel and you simply averaged the range you could go on a given amount. Now, in the case of a hybrid, we have two types of fuel and one of them is often used to replenish the other!

The article at CNN explains the process pretty well:

"...let's say the car is driven 50 miles in a day. For the first 40 miles, no gas is used and during the last 10 miles, 0.2 gallons are used. That's the equivalent of 250 miles per gallon. But, if the driver continues on to 80 miles, total fuel economy would drop to about 100 mpg. And if the driver goes 300 miles, the fuel economy would be just 62.5 mpg."

It is probably reasonable to assume most people do not drive much more than 40 miles in a day, this is how the 230 MPG is calculated. However, I think it would be easy enough to have a hybrid specific rating system, electric range 40 miles and 50 MPG thereafter could be simply -

40ER + 50MPG

This simple 2 part rating would help consumers understand what they are actually getting and how it will fit into their driving needs.

If you like this idea, spread it around. Just remember who suggested it first. : )

see the related link for more information.

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